Make Sure Your Security Needs Are Met

We provide emergency response services in Greensboro, High Point, Charlotte, NC & Fort Mill, SC

If you want to keep your property safe, you need security services tailored to your specific needs. Piedmont Security & Patrol Services, LLC is proud to offer emergency response services in the Greensboro, High Point, Charlotte, NC & Fort Mill, SC area. Our team is trained to provide armed and unarmed security service for your corporation, neighborhood or community.

Call today to schedule your security service.

Take advantage of our specialized security services

Take advantage of our specialized security services

There are certain situations that warrant the presence of security and/or company police. These include:
Criminal investigations: Our company police officers will conduct criminal investigation into illegal activities occurring on your property.
Hostile employee terminations: Our team provides protection to businesses during hostile employee disciplinary actions and terminations. We will escort irate employees off your property and guard against acts of retaliation due to termination.
Corporate training: We'll train your team on how to respond to active shooters, prevent criminal activity and identify suspicious activity.
Community policing programs: Our officers will provide a positive presence in the community through workshops, activities and seminars.
K-9 services: We'll provide trained, K-9s to identify narcotics, explosive and other contraband in your school, mall or airport.

To learn more about our specialized services in Greensboro, High Point, Charlotte, NC & Fort Mill, SC, call now.